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UPVC Doors

Hi, we are coming over to our villa in Quesada in April for 10 days & would like to ask if anybody can recommend a reputable & reasonably priced installer to fit new UPVC doors for us.I have found that no matter how many times i repaint our old wooden doors they look worse for wear with the heat & the sun,plus i would like to spend a bit of time with my family rather than driving about looking for paint,brushes etc. Thanks.


Try Simply Doors in Quesada, only heard good things about them.

Commented paul.gregory643 in Quesada 2013-04-10 10:14:59 UTC

Thanks will do.

Commented marshallc in Quesada 2013-05-11 08:22:52 UTC

l can supply and fit uPVC doors, l am fully legal and been working in Spain for the past 10 years if you would like to contact me through this site alternatively contact me on [email protected] l would be happy to discuss your requirements. Lee

Commented Lee Vincent in Quesada 2013-05-11 16:17:35 UTC

Hi, is that Lee by any chance ?. If so you called at our villa while we were over a couple of weeks ago. I asked Eileen to get in touch with you a few days ago as we left your card & quote in the villa. Thanks Alan & Carole.

Commented marshallc in Quesada 2013-05-14 20:55:44 UTC

Hi Alan it is Lee, Eileen has rung, and l am calling up this tomorrow night to take a firm measurement, Eileen is going to let me have your mail address so that the necessary transfers can be made, hope you are both well Lee

Commented Lee Vincent in Quesada 2013-05-14 21:16:41 UTC

No problem, we are coming back to Quesada on 9th June for a week,see you then.

Commented marshallc in Quesada 2013-05-16 18:55:53 UTC